Indian Blue Peafowl

The Indian Blue, or common Peafowl have a natural range encompassing much of India and Sri Lanka. Known for their beauty since ancient times they have been successfully introduced to many other countries where feral populations now exist. Even though they are native to a tropical region, they have proved to be a hardy species by adapting wonderfully to the various climates throughout the entire US and also in other parts of the world.
These birds are often allowed to free range, where their beauty can be best displayed. They will reliably stay in the same area, so long as good care is given and they are not persecuted by predators, children, pets or anything else that they may perceive as a threat. If allowed to free range they will perch at night on the highest structure available, often in a tree or on a roof top. Free ranging birds will relish the ability to forage, unfortunately they may often forage where least preferred especially flower and vegetable gardens. When introduced to new surroundings they should be penned until they are accustomed to their new home.
Breeding peafowl mutations is widespread and popular, and a great number of color mutations exist. A few examples are White, Pied, Cameo, Oaten, Black-shouldered, Opal, and Bronze.
The male peafowl requires two to three years to reach maturity, his spectacular tail will not reach it's full length until his fourth or fifth year. After the breeding season the male will shed his beautiful tail which can consist of more the 200 individual feathers, a new tail will immediately begin to grow back which will be fully recovered by Spring. Females will mature at two, and two year old pairs will often breed. One peacock can breed with several hens, thus these birds are often kept in trios or quads. The pea hen will make her nest in a scrape in the ground under some sort of cover. Clutches consist of 6 to 8 eggs and they are incubated for about 29 days. The young "peachicks" are not difficult to raise and are fed a gamebird or turkey starter. In a few months the female chicks will begin to loose the barring on the wings, shoulders and back and will become a dusky brown in these areas. Males will keep the black and white bars and will often have longer legs than the females.
The one flaw these birds may have is the males piercing call which can be heard for some distance, some may call it exotic, other may think it quite a nuisance, thus these birds have been banned in some residential areas.
Pricing and Availability
Most of our peafowl are sold as peachicks locally (see home page under events) prices rages from $25-$50 each depending on color and age.
First year pair $200.00
Breeder pair (male with long tail) $350.00